5 Reasons For A Cat To Bite You - Revealed

cat face closeup with teeth

Did you ever get bitten by your cat? Since you probably don't want to relieve that painful moment too often, let's take a look at why your cat did this and what you can do to avoid this in the future. I hope the following 5 reasons as to why your cat bites you will help you out. Let's begin.

1. Your cat is ill

grey cat looking at camera

When your cat is not feeling well, it's not going to want to cuddle up with you. You probably wouldn't want to snuggle with your partner when you had tremendous pain in your body, would you?


If your cat is usually very affectionate and suddenly starts to act out, meow harshly and bite you, the cause may be serious health issues. Plan a trip to the vet as soon as possible and get it checked. 


Usually, after returning to good health, your cat will forget all that it has done to you and be gentle again. Or maybe that is its way of saying sorry, who knows? 

2. Your cat is angry

angry tuxedo cat with open mouth

Hey, we all know what it is like to have 'one of those days'. Some days, the only thing one looks forward to is going to bed again.


Researchers found out that cats, too, can be moody. Whether it's not sleeping well, eating the same meal as the days before or just the bad weather, your cat will have ups and downs in its life. 


During a down time, it's best to avoid your cat and let it sort itself out. You don't want to get too much in contact with a moody cat. Believe us.


It can also be because you recently introduced another cat to your current cat in the wrong way. By all means, do not just buy a cat and place it into the household like a toy. Your current feline will not like it. I have a comprehensive guide on whether or not to get another cat in the first place.


If your cat acts out and bites you because it has a bad day, there is not much you can do about it except waiting it out. Simply don't involve your cat in your plans for the next few hours or even days. It will naturally solve itself.

3. Your cat doesn't like physical contact

maine coon cat sitting outside

People generally want a cat that is into cuddles, but a cat is an independent animal who does what it wants. As sad as it sounds, some cats just don't want to be physical with you.


Now there are ways to change that and people report that they are actually working wonders from time to time, but it's probably best if you don't count on it. Maybe you and your cat are not meant to become best friends on a physical level. That's okay.


If you feel like your cat has always been very resentful towards you when you try to approach it, you may have a cat that just doesn't like physical contact. Simply see your cat as a friendly roommate then, but not as your cuddly teddy bear.

4. Your are overdoing it

blue eyed siamese kitten

So often we think our cuddles are just as much fun for the cat as they are for us. Boy are we wrong!


Altough cats like to express their affection physically just like we humans, cuddles are not always pleasent for the cat. They simply allow it from time to time, but they have their limits.


If you start to cuddle your cat and it stops responding to them and you start a slight resistance, just stop. It is your cat's way of saying 'I liked it, but it's enough now'. 


This can easily be avoided by simply observing your cat's moves carefully while you stroke it. You should know what it looks like when your cat is happy and it will certainly stop looking like it is right before it goes for a bite. 

5. You are doing it wrong

ginger cat lying on the floor

Your cat doesn't like to be touched at certain body parts. Not paying attention to how to properly pet your cat usually leads to quick evades, harsh meows or even scratches.


Of course every cat is different, but there are general rule of thumbs to where to stroke a cat. Learn and never forget these rules, because they will save you quite some scratches on your hands and arms.


I hope these 5 reasons why your cat bites you help shine some light on your cat being negatively physical towards you. Keep in mind that this list is not complete and there are more possible reasons that one can count.


Every cat is different and it's hard to pinpoint the exact reason in practice. However, most of the bites can be avoided by being very attentive to how your cat looks, moves and meows.


Let me know which experiences made you look this blog post up and tell me about your cat biting you in the comments! I am sure it will add to the value for other people.


Talk to you next time!

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Robin (Sunday, 10 February 2019 21:03)

    My 1 year old cat bites me and my dogs for no reason a lot. We aren’t playing with him he just attacks. I play with him with toys but he doesn’t seem to wind down.